Export PDF During File to vMedia ("FTV")

05/10/2017 - Documented new Export to PDF behavior.

04/03/2017 - If a file with the same name already exists in the destination directory during an FTV export, a popup will appear to allow the user to resolve the conflict.

02/28/2017 - Documented new feature: Export PDF During File to vMedia ("FTV")



vMedia allows users to create a standalone PDF of a document simultaneously when it is filed to vMedia. Two documents are created with identical content:

  • One is saved in vMedia as usual.

  • The second one is saved as a PDF with the path and file name dynamically set at the time of the merge.

This feature can be helpful for submitting court documents electronically ("E-filing") or anytime that a PDF copy of a document is desired. There is no need to perform separate export to PDF from FullView or a Bulk Export from the Viewing Module.

Various configuration options allow you to configure the resulting PDF file or files:

  • File name

  • Optional file path

  • Optional Conflict Resolution

    • Choose to Replace, Save Duplicate, or Skip saving if the document preexists.

Initial Configuration

This feature requires the document template and/or wrapper forms to be configured for PDF export. There is a new form marker: ExportPDF = FILENAME. This marker is used to specify the file name, optional file path and optional conflict resolution parameters. The Save location and Conflict resolution can also be set at the time of the merge.

Insert EXPORTPDF= line in the template or wrapper document


Markers can contain just a filename, an absolute path such as f:\path\filename or a relative path such as path\filename:

  • Supports Collection-Master field name variables.


      • FIELD(1) equates to "Document Name“ e.g. “PLEAD01.PDF”

      • File save location would be set at the time of the merge.

    • Optional file path for Save

      • Can contain absolute path


          • FIELD(1) equates to "Document Name“ e.g. EXPORTPDF=F:\CLIENTDOCS\ PLEAD01.PDF


          • FIELD(8) equates to “Claim File Number“ e.g. EXPORTPDF=F:\CLIENTDOCS\17-ABC123\PLEAD01.PDF

          • Can contain relative path.

            • If the full path is not specified, the location set in the dialog at the time of merge is the "base path."

              Example: EXPORTPDF= \FIELD(8)\FIELD(1).PDF

              If the save location in dialog is C:\Users, document will be saved in C:\Users\17-ABC123\PLEAD01.PDF

NOTE: In Collection-Master when there are multiple debtors on a claim, you have the option to send documents to all the debtors on the claim, or to just specific debtors through a special Collection-Master feature called “Debtor Dox.” You use one common document and specify which debtors to pull information from in the initial document setup and/or at the time of the merge. In the past, Collection-Master required you to create a separate document for each debtor, using the field codes specific to each debtor record. If the user is utilizing the "Debtor Dox" feature with EXPORTPDF in the document template, the field code for the appropriate debtor FIELD(765) must be included as part of the file name to identify the resulting documents as being unique to each debtor and not duplicates.


The marker can also specify an optional Conflict Resolution parameter. This will be utilized in the case that a PDF with the exact same name already exists in the save location. The behavior can also be specified at the time of the merge from the merge dialog. The optional Conflict Resolution parameter is placed after file name. The full option word, such as Replace can do the same thing that /R does. This also applies to Duplicate and to Prompt.

  • /R[eplace] /D[uplicate] /P[rompt]
    • /R overwrites any existing PDF with the same name in the save location.
    • /D creates a copy if a PDF with the same name exists in the save location.
    • /P will prompt the user whether to replace or create a copy at the time of merge if an existing copy is detected.

Insert WordPerfect NESTMACRO(FTV-ExportPDF.wcm) at end of string:

  • Located in: IMASTER\MODULES\File2vMedia\
    • NOTE: If your vMedia was installed as a new installation and not an upgrade of Image-Master, the path will be vMedia\MODULES\File2vMedia\
  • Creates a comment block containing EXPORTPDF commands so they will not print in document.

The resulting comment block can be located anywhere in the post-merge document. The position or page is not important.

If it is desired to exclude a specific form in the merge from being exported, omit the ExportPDF= marker creation from that form. The global merge processing commands take precedence, so a SKIPDOC command will stop saving to vMedia AND any export to PDF for that document even if the ExportPDF marker is present.


Run File2vMedia.wcm Macro

When the user runs the File2vMedia macro the user will be prompted with a dialog window. Check the box to create PDF copies. Leaving the box unchecked will perform a "regular" File to vMedia and no PDF copies will be created.

The "Location to store PDF copies of filed documents" location is used in conjunction with the optional string in the template if the full Save location is not hard-coded. This location does not need to exist prior to starting the merge; if necessary it will be created dynamically.

Export PDF File Name Conflict Resolution

When a user chooses to export PDF files during a FTV, it is possible that a file with the same name already exists in the destination directory. The "File to vMedia Control" window allows the user additional control on how to resolve conflicts.

Filed PDF Conflict Resolution:

  • No Override

    • User prompted if there is no explicit code in the EXPORTPDF comment block.

  • Force Replace

    • Will always replace, regardless of the comment block.

  • Force Duplicate

    • Will always create a copy, regardless of the comment block.

During the merge, each time a duplicate is detected and the user specified /P (for prompt) in the EXPORTPDF command or did not include a conflict resolution string and chose "No Override" in the "File to vMedia Control" dialog, the user will be presented with an additional dialog:

This allows the user to determine per document whether to replace the original, or create a duplicate or skip saving the file.