Document Batch Tracking


Image-Master automatically assigns a batch number to each document in the document library when it is created or structurally updated.


Batch numbers are assigned as follows based on the method used to create or update the document:

Scanning Module - All documents scanned or modified in the Scanning Module are assigned a common batch number that is calculated when the Scanning Module is entered and remains constant until the Scanning Module is exited. Each scanning station obtains a batch numbers which are unique from all other scanning stations for the database that is selected.

Print to Image-Master - All documents saved using Print to Image-Master are assigned a common batch number that is calculated when the Print to Image-Master filing engine is loaded in memory and remains constant until the Print to Image-Master filing engine is exited. Each workstation obtains a batch number which is unique from all other workstations for the database that is selected. The same batch number is used for each document saved using Print to Image-Master even though Print to Image-Master hides itself after each document is saved. This behavior is not the same as the filing engine being exited. A new batch number will be established when:

  • The Print to Image-Master residency time of non-use expires and Print to Image-Master unloads from memory on its own (Unless changed by an administrator, 60 minutes of non-use is the default).
  • The user logs off of Windows, or restarts the computer.
  • The user uses the "Change Database" function on the Print to Image-Master main screen. After a database change, the appropriate batch number for the database that is selected will be used.

File to Image-Master - All documents saved using the File to Image-Master feature are assigned a common batch number that is calculated each time File to Image-Master is executed. If File to Image-Master is executed multiple times, each group of documents processed will have a different batch number that is unique to the specific File to Image-Master processing activity that is occurring on a specific workstation. Batch numbers are assigned sequentially. If File to Image-Master is executed at multiple workstations simultaneously, the batch number assignment is made based on the order in which the workstations are able to file their respective first documents in each processing run.

Bulk Document Importers/Hanna Interface/PageStream Interface - All documents saved using the Image-Master Bulk Document Import feature are assigned a common batch number that is calculated each time the importer is executed. If the import function is executed multiple times, each group of documents processed will have a different batch number that is unique to the specific bulk document processing activity that is occurring on a specific workstation. Batch numbers are assigned sequentially. If the bulk document import is executed at multiple workstations simultaneously, the batch number assignment is made based on the order in which the workstations are able to file their respective first documents in each processing run.

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Image-Master Introduction

Batch Subsystem - New Batch Report