Installing and Upgrading Image-Master 7 Introduction


Image-Master 7 is written in modern 32-bit and 64-bit development platforms. This release brings together a multitude of customer requested improvements in functionality.

Functionality is built into many shared modules that alleviate the need to immediately cease Image-Master operations when installing a software update or upgrade. Image-Master keeps track of the users who are running each component. When the last user exits an Image-Master shared component, a check is performed to see if an update to the module is required. If it is, the software verifies that the user has enough privileges to perform a software upgrade and then performs the upgrade silently and transparently.

Installation Prerequisites

Image-Master Installation Prerequisites (basic summary)

Registering Image-Master Software

Image-Master Installation Guide


NOTE: Download the Image-Master 7 Complete Base Product from the Image-Master 7 download page in the Technical Support section of the Image-Master website. Link to: and then click on the link for the contract year you own and log in with your assigned username and password.

If you are running Image-Master 7.7.0 or greater:

  • Download the maintenance upgrade. (See previous note.)

  • From any workstation that already has Image-Master installed, execute the Image-Master updater and follow the installation prompts. The updater only needs to be run one time for the entire office.

  • Update complete.

If you are running an earlier version of Image-Master (prior to 7.7.0):

  • Download the full product upgrade.  (See previous note.)

  • Perform a complete backup of the network IMASTER folder, excluding sub-folders.

  • In order to ensure a smooth error-free upgrade, all Image-Master users should exit the software prior to the upgrade process.

  • From any workstation, execute the Image-Master full product download file and follow the installation prompts. The full product installer will upgrade the software and databases from any version of Image-Master to 7.7.6. If the product installer is unable to complete the upgrade due to in-use files, choose cancel and retry the upgrade at a later time when it is confirmed that all users have exited the software.

  • From each workstation, execute the WSETUP7.EXE program and follow the installation prompts to upgrade each computer.

  • Upgrade complete.

Related Topics

Post Installation Notes

Migration Tool: Implementation Instructions

Migration: Flowchart for Bulk Document Image-Master Migration

Migration: Flowchart for Estimating the Volume of Data and Documents

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