Alternate Method for 2D Barcode Generation with WordPerfect and the Collection-Master Merge

In order for WordPerfect to be able to generate a DataMatrix 2D barcode, helper software in the form of the vMedia 2D barcode module must be linked into the merge form and the appropriate information to be encoded must be specified.

There is a long standing limitation in the 2D DataMatrix engine in WordPerfect (actually a limitation in the WP Merge) whereby Merge variables are limited in length to 127 characters. To overcome this limitation, which affects the ASSIGN merge command, an alternate strategy for creating the 2D barcode was developed that avoids the WP Merge variable.

See "Format Documents for DataMatrix 2D Barcode Recognition Type" for the primary method of barcode creation.

Avoiding the Merge Variable Limitation for Configuring DataMatrix 2D Barcodes:

  1. Open an existing or new WordPerfect merge form.
  2. Insert a text box (Insert>Text Box).
  3. Select the text box and right click to bring up the context menu and then choose Position.
  4. In the Box Position dialog box, attach the text box to the Page and click [OK].

NOTE: The size and position of the barcode on the page can be precisely controlled and the barcode can be placed anywhere on the page, including in the margins or in the header and footer area without disturbing the underlying form layout.

  1. Reposition the text box to your desired barcode location. (The top-left corner of the text box will coincide with the top-left corner of the barcode.)
  2. Select the text box and right click to bring up the context menu and then choose Border/Fill.
  3. In the Box Border/Fill dialog box, on the Border tab, click the [Discontinue] button to remove the borders.

NOTE: Information in the barcode can either be hardcoded as a static text string or pulled from Collection-Master fields.

NOTE: The barcode could grow to be quite large, depending on the amount of information in the barcode.

  1. Place the merge commands inside the borderless text box. (It does not matter if the entire text is visible. You can expand the text box for ease of editing and then reduce it's size for the barcode placement/location.)


~?IM~cmt=/This is going to be a really long text string, that encompasses a very large number of characters. Now, lets add a file number~fileno=/YGC00005~cmt=/And this is a second assignment of additional really long text. Wonder what happens~debtor=/Samantha Service

  1. Enlarge or reduce the text box in the template as needed to accommodate the increased barcode size.
  2. Insert a WordPerfect NESTMACRO merge command immediately after the text in the text box.

a. From the Merge Toolbar select Insert Merge Code, then More . . .,

b. Highlight NESTMACRO in the Insert Merge Codes dialog box, and select Insert.)

  1. In the Enter Macro Name field, type or click the folder icon and navigate to the following file: x:\IMASTER\MODULES\BARCODE\InsDMBcv2.wcm where x: is the drive letter where vMedia is installed.
  2. Click [OK] to complete adding the NESTFORM command.
  3. Save and close the document.

NOTE: In the following graphic, the NESTMACRO points to an IMASTER folder; however, depending on how vMedia is set up, it may have to point to a vMedia folder.

Related Topics

Barcoded Forms Introduction

Format Documents for DataMatrix 2D Barcode Recognition Type