Barcode Setup

Here is an example of how to set up an index field to handle barcode recognition.

  1. On the Master Control window, click on [DB Config] icon.


  1. On the Configurator, click on [Index Field Editor] button.
  2. Select or create a field to hold barcode values.
  3. Click on [Field Options].
  4. The Index Field Options window opens on the screen.

  1. Click the check box for Barcode recognition.
  2. The Barcode dialog box opens.
  • Barcode Number – Determines which barcode value you wish to store for the field. It can be:
    • In Batch – Any barcode number found in a batch.
    • On Page Number – Any barcode number found on a specific page.
    • None – Disables barcode recognition.
  1. Click the radio button selection. If the On Page Number selection is made, type the page number into the text box.
  2. Click [OK] to enter the selections.
  3. vMedia returns to the Index Field Options window.

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Barcoded Forms Introduction