Bulk Document Exporter: Class II - Custom Selection ListNOTE: This exporter is used for non-SQL databases only. Class II exporters are custom modules written for specific customers and specific vMedia database layouts, and have limited error recovery and reporting. They are documented; however, any use outside the original intended purpose is at the sole risk of the user. Most Class II exporters can be found in the Import/Export Module. This Custom Selection List exporter is a derivative of the Juris/Kass Custom from the List exporter, modified to allow flexible field naming and searching; however, fields controlling the output file names are hard coded. This exporter reads records from a selection list and exports matching documents. Documents are placed in folders named by the selection criteria. Files are named CMT_DDATE_timestamp.PDF or CMT_DDATE_timestamp.TIF.
Select Query File: Click to select the query file to use for determining the document or documents that are to be exported.
Select Output Folder: Click to change the output folder which will contain the exported documents (Default is the Export folder inside the vMedia network folder). Output Document File Format: Choose from TIF or PDF (Default is TIF). Output: All documents matching are exported to subfolder(s) named by the data being searched. The image format is as specified by the Output Document File Format selection. Images are multi-page and are named CMT_DDATE_timestamp.TIF or .PDF