Group as Single PDF Exporter

01/17/2018 - Updated screenshot to show new Viewing Module icons.

07/26/2017 - Added documentation for the new Group and Compress and Group as Single PDF exporters. Deleted obsolete Midland and YGD exporter pages.

Group as Single PDF is a Class I exporter.


The Export as Single PDF feature allows you to search for documents in the vMedia database, and tag multiple documents from the search results, both serialized documents (.TIF, .PDF, .JPG, .BMP) as well as multi-page documents (currently .TIF, .PDF). The tagged selections can then be combined into a single compressed .PDF file. If any entries cannot be combined in the .PDF, you are notified and given the option to un-tag the entries or cancel the operation. You can configure the .PDF file path and name.

NOTE: This is an enhanced export to .PDF function from the option in the FullView viewer. The "Export" function from FullView only supports serialized documents (.TIF, .PDF, .JPG, .BMP)

2.  Perform an appropriate query (Database Search or External Query File) and then tag the desired documents for export from the Search Results list.

  • With this feature the documents can be serialized documents (.TIF, .PDF, .JPG, .BMP) as well as multi-page documents (currently .TIF, .PDF), for example:

    • .TIF or .PDF documents printed or filed to vMedia

    • .TIF, .PDF, .JPG, or .BMP documents imported via one of the batch importers

    • .TIF, .PDF, .JPG, or .BMP files imported via "SendTo vMedia"

3.  Click on the [Export] button to access the list of Class 1 Exporters.

4.  Click on the [Group as Single PDF] button.

NOTE: If there is an invalid file type in the list of tagged files, a popup message window will appear. If there is more than one incompatible file in the tagged list, a popup window for each file will appear.

  • "[Untag] removes the incompatible file from the tagged list

  • [Cancel] returns you to the Tagged Documents Export Module window.

  1. If one or more qualifying documents are still tagged, the Save As dialog opens for you to select or type a file name. By default, the starting directory is your temp folder; you can choose an alternate save location:

  1. If you select or type the name of an existing file in the same location you will be presented with an overwrite confirmation dialog:

  • If you click [Yes], the existing file will be overwritten with a new copy.

  • If you click [No], the Save As dialog opens to enter a new name or location.

    • If you [Cancel] without selecting or typing a file name in the Save As dialog, a dialog box appears for confirming the cancellation request.

  1. The qualifying tagged entries will be combined into a single, paginated .PDF file. The order of the document assembly will be governed by the Sort Order of the search results grid.

  2. Once the operation is complete, a final status dialog will appear showing the total number of tagged entries that were exported, and the fully qualified file name of the .PDF file that was created or replaced.

  1. Click [OK].