vMedia Database Structure for CLS000SC.DBF


vMedia is a completely customizable and user-defined filing system. As such, you have complete control over the types of index fields, their lengths, data types, and rules. In addition to the user-defined fields, there are a number of mandatory internal control fields which may be of interest to you if you elect to parse our database directly. Since you already possess a collection-attorney focused database for vMedia (namely CLS000), this page will describe how that is laid out.

You can make changes to the database structure with the vMedia configuration module to suit your needs.


User Defined fields in CLS000SC:

Field Name Length          Data type       Description
fileno          8               Character       CM (attorney) file number
ddate           8               Date            Document Date
cmt             48              Character       Document Description
llcode          8               Character       Queue/Routing Person ID
docketno                15              Character       Docket Number
fwfileno                20              Character       Forwarder's File Number
client          40              Character       Client (Forwarder's) Name
debtor          30              Character       Debtor Name
creditor                25              Character       Creditor Name
lmdatec         6               Character       Computed Filing Folder ID**

**This field usually resolves to yyyymm or yyyyww, where yyyy is the four-digit year, mm is the two digit month, and ww is the two digit week of the system date on the computer. The field is used to segregate documents into roughly equal periodic bundles on the hard drive to make backup and archiving administrative tasks easier to perform.

Internal Control Fields present in ALL vMedia databases:

Field Name    Length          Data type       Description
volume          8               Character       Volume ID if doc is on removable media
npath           60              Character       Path to Images in this document **
**this can be an absolute path (ie. C:\IMASTER\IMAGES\) [used with fixed media] or
**a relative path (ie. \DIR1\OCTOBER\IMAGES\) [used with removable media] or
**a UNC path (ie. \\SERVER\SHARE\FOLDER\) [doc on a NAS or similar] or
**a URL path (ie. Http://phillipsburg.idp.com/imaster/pump/mrr/)
(This assumes that you will use absolute or UNC paths)
nfile         5               Character       File Name Prefix *see naming of images below*
nfext           3               Character       Image Name Extension (ie. TIF, JPG, PCX)
npages          3               Numeric         Number of pages in the document (1-999)
status          1               Character       Multiple Uses Flag. 
**In Collection-Master's case, a "C" means that the document has been exported and recognized by Collection-Master and that all fields have been populated with Collection-Master claim data. 
status1               1               Character       Document Creation Status N=New, C=Changed
status2         1               Character       Special third-party use. (Undefined)
lmdate          8               Date            Date of Scan (from workstation clock)
nfullname               8               Character       Normalized multi-page filename. (Undefined)

Image Naming and Referencing with vMedia:

A vMedia generated image filename will always have the following attributes regardless of the raster format chosen for the file:

  1. All images are single-frame (single page).
  2. Filename is as follows: MJJJJnnn.EXT

To find the first page of a document set, use npath+nfile+000.+nfext

Subsequent pages (up to npages) would be npath+nfile+(page-1).+nfext

There is a corresponding index, called CLS000SC.CDX that is a FoxPro index file; however, its use is not required and is only used to speed up SQL searches. Since the CLS000SC.DBF database is generally only added to, you can assume (except in specific maintenance operations) that the relative record position and entry information will remain consistent. Some customers use this to build a local index in their own ERP or development environment that cross-references or indexes the vMedia dataset for instantaneous lookups.

Related Topics

vMedia Introduction