FullView Zoom - Enlarging a Section of the
- To use the Zoom feature, position your mouse pointer on the
- Hold down the left button and the pointer will change into a
crosshair. Drag the crosshair away from the initial position and a
rectangle will form outlining a portion of the image that you want
to see in more detail.
- Release the left mouse button. The part of the image that was
contained in the rectangle will enlarge to fill the viewing
- This procedure may be repeated until the desired size is
- When using the Zoom feature, vertical and horizontal scroll
bars become available to help move through the enlarged image.
- To view the full page, open the View menu and select Full Page View.
- To zoom in and out the entire document, rather than enlarge a
particular section, you can use your scroll
Scrolling via the mouse wheel in
When viewing a document in FullView Professional, you can use
your mouse wheel to zoom in and out of the image.
- [CTRL] + scroll wheel forward zooms in.
- [CTRL] + scroll wheel backward zooms out.
This enhancement was/will be implemented in late February,
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FullView Professional