Keyboard Shortcuts and Mouse Tips for vMedia


Experienced vMedia users may find that using the keyboard to control the program will be easier and faster than using a mouse. This document primarily discusses the keyboard shortcuts that are available within the software and how to use them. Keyboard shortcuts to command buttons are usually identified by a single underlined letter somewhere in the label of the command button.

For example, the V in [Viewing Module] and the D in [Database Configuration] are keyboard shortcuts.

  • When zoomed into an image, the arrow keys can pan the image in the direction of the arrow.

Keyboard Shortcut Usage Rules:

  • You can access any command at any time by pressing the [Alt] key along with the shortcut key on the keyboard.
  • If the cursor is not inside the data entry window, then the command can be selected by simply pressing the desired shortcut key.
  • The [Enter] key on the keyboard always selects the button with the thick black border. In most vMedia processes the button with the thick black border will be the most likely response within a dialog box or the next action that would be normally taken within the software.

NOTE: While these rules apply throughout the program, you do not need to memorize them to utilize the system. The most common keyboard sequences for scanning and viewing appear below.

Keyboard Sequences for the Scanning Module

When the Scanning Module is started, the Data Entry window will have a blue title bar and the cursor will appear in the first index field.

  1. Fill in the required index fields. You can use the [Enter], [Tab], or [Down Arrow] keys to move to subsequent fields within the data entry window. To move to a previous field, use [Shift] + [Tab] or the [Up Arrow] keys.
  2. If you fill in all the index fields, the Scan function will be defaulted. Press the [Enter] or [S] keys to start the scanner. If you do not fill in all of the index fields (as will be the case with most Collection-Master customers), press [Alt] + [S] to start the scanner.
  3. In the Start Scanning dialog box, press [Enter] to start scanning.
  4. After all the pages have been scanned, vMedia will display the first page in the viewer and shift the focus to the viewing window. To switch back to the scanning control screen press [Enter] once.
  5. The dialog box at the Scanning Control screen prompts you to accept or reject the scanning set. Press [Enter] to accept the scan set.
  6. To add more pages to the current document, repeat step 2.
  7. Press [D] to invoke the [Done] command.
  8. Press [Y] to confirm the request. (This files the document in vMedia.)
  9. Repeat step 2 to scan the next document set.

Keyboard Sequences for the Viewing Module

When the Viewing Module is started, the Data Entry window will have a blue title bar and the cursor will be in the first index field.

  1. Fill in the required index fields. It is a good idea to specify only the minimum amount of information required to locate the desired document. You can use the [Enter], [Tab], or [Down Arrow] keys to move to subsequent fields within the data entry window. To move to a previous field, use [Shift] + [Tab] or the [Up Arrow] keys.
  2. Press [D] to invoke a standard alphabetic search on the non-blank fields or [Alt] + [E] to invoke an extended inclusive search.
  3. If only one matching document is found, the software will automatically invoke the viewing window and display the first page of the document set. The control focus will switch to the viewer and the keyboard will control the viewing software. Use [Alt] + [Tab] to switch back to the Viewing Module.

NOTE: Do not close the viewer. When the next document set is retrieved, the images will be displayed immediately.

  1. If more than one document set matches the search criteria, the Search Results list will display qualifying document sets. Use the [Up Arrow] and [Down Arrow] keys to move the selection bar to the desired document set and press the [Enter] key to view that particular document. Use [Alt] + [Tab] to switch back to the Viewing Module. The cursor will be positioned in the same location in the Search Results list and you can repeat this step to view other qualifying documents.

Scrolling via the Mouse in FullView

When viewing a document in FullView Professional, you can use your mouse wheel to zoom in and out of the image.

  • [CTRL] + scroll wheel forward zooms in.
  • [CTRL] + scroll wheel backward zooms out.

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