vMedia Introduction

NOTE: Throughout the vMedia documentation, there may be reference to an Imaster folder; however, depending on how vMedia is set up, it might refer to a vMedia folder rather than an Imaster folder. Previous Image-Master users are likely to have vMedia installed in an Imaster folder. Non-Image-Master users are likely to have vMedia installed in a vMedia folder.

vMedia will help you convert those important business documents that occupy physical space into electronic images that can be accessed instantly. vMedia creates, stores, indexes, and retrieves electronic images using advanced optical technology. The ease of retrieval of scanned documents can make a major difference in the way your organization handles its paper flow.

Functionality is built into many shared modules that alleviate the need to immediately cease vMedia operations when installing a software update or upgrade. vMedia now keeps track of the users who are running each component. When the last user exists a vMedia shared component, a check is performed to see if an update to the module is required. If it is, the software verifies that the user has enough privileges to perform a software upgrade and then performs the upgrade silently and transparently.

For certain components such as Print to vMedia and FullView, which remain resident in memory for a period of time when not being used, vMedia allows those modules to detect that an upgrade is available. When these modules are at the idle state, hidden from the user, they will close themselves automatically and allow the upgrade to proceed.

Databases are "self-healing" and will automatically detect and correct errors caused by unexpected shutdowns and reboots of the computer. There are no user controls for this feature, as vMedia will perform the database repair procedure as needed. If a damaged database is detected when starting either the Scanning Module or Viewing Module, a confirmation message will be displayed. In such an instance, the database will be locked and repaired, and the indexes will be rebuilt. The entire process should take less than ten minutes to perform. It is advisable to log each occurrence that a vMedia database is self-healed.

CAUTION - It is important to understand the cause of an unexpected shutdown or freeze of the system. If the vMedia database requires repeated repairs, discontinue use of the system until the root cause of the problem is found and corrected. If the workstation, network, or file server are failing or misconfigured, additional permanent damage can be done to the database by attempting to use vMedia in an unstable environment.


Fast: Rushmore technology and SQL selection queries provide unmatched performance. vMedia quickly and efficiently scans and stores documents.

Easy to Use: A completely customizable interface, full keyboard access to all functions, and no confusing menus make vMedia a tool your entire organization can use. The program prompts you with instructions that are concise and easy to follow. vMedia software can be upgraded with minimal disruption to the work and business environment.

Multi-platform: vMedia is a complete, full-featured product for Windows operating systems.

Open Architecture: vMedia uses an open architecture that allows customizations and enhancements that are important to the productivity of the organization. Plug-in technology allows integration with a wide range of third-party scanning, indexing, viewing, and document workflow products.

Scalability: Built upon an industry standard foundation, vMedia can be modified and extended as new technology becomes available. This document management system provides for future growth and expansion.

Flexible Integration: vMedia integrates with other office applications. The software has the flexibility to adapt to new storage technologies and has the ability to integrate with workflow systems of the future.

User Tier Levels

Viewer User:

  • View images

Standard User:

  • Print to vMedia
  • File to vMedia
  • View images

Scanner User:

  • Scan module
  • Indexing module
  • Bulk delete
  • Print to vMedia
  • File to vMedia
  • View images

Power User:

  • Bulk import/export
  • Bulk import barcoded
  • EDI – e.g. Convoke importer, Hanna importer
  • Scan module
  • Indexing module
  • Bulk delete
  • Print to vMedia
  • File to vMedia
  • View images

Administrator User:

  • One support incident per month, per admin
  • vMedia configuration
  • Security control access
  • vMedia license control
  • Bulk import/export
  • Bulk import barcoded
  • EDI – ie: Convoke importer, Hanna importer
  • Scanning module
  • Indexing module
  • Bulk delete
  • Print to vMedia
  • File to vMedia
  • View images

Remote Client

  • View images
    • If Not Purchased:
      Remote Client tier shows 0 for Total, Assigned and Available.
      Remote Client User does not appear in the user list.
    • If Purchased:
      Remote Client tier shows 1 for Total and Assigned. It shows 0 for Available.
      Remote_Client User appears in the User List a light grey and italic. It cannot be tagged or selected and it cannot have any options changed.

Related Topics

Overview of Document Imaging

Vertican License Manager - Subsequent Usage

vMedia Terminology and Concepts

Brand New vMedia Client Installation

Upgrade from Existing vMedia 8.x Client Installation

Upgrade from Existing Image-Master 7.x Client Installation


vMedia Training Syllabus

How vMedia Works

vMedia Architecture

vMedia System Requirements

Keyboard Shortcuts

Scanning Documents Introduction

Database Configuration Introduction

SQL Database Notes

Using the vMedia Configurator

vMedia Viewing Module Introduction

FullView Introduction

Print to vMedia Introduction

File to vMedia Introduction

Initial vMedia Setup

Initial vMedia Startup

Security Access Module Introduction

Bulk Exporter Introduction

Introduction to Third-Party Integration

Barcoded Forms Introduction

Troubleshooting Introduction

Document Migration Facility (IMDMF7.EXE) Introduction

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