vMedia Training Syllabus

This training outline consists of subjects that are typically covered during vMedia training; however, some of the topics or subtopics might not apply to your office. Prior to any training, a needs assessment is undertaken because no two firms have identical requirements. Depending on the assessment, some subjects may be covered in more detail than others, and some subjects might not be introduced. Your particular vMedia training will focus on what your firm requires. 

If you desire training on your vMedia system, please contact Vertican.

Module 1: Primary Training

❏ Startup of the vMedia Core for Scanning
❏ Login/Module Invoke/Basic HW Troubleshooting
❏ Data Entry Screen Layout
❏ Basic Entry/Scan/Save/Done Document Scanning Operations w/Uncoded Documents

❏ Importation into Collection-Master (if applicable)
❏ Paperless Document Viewing in Collection-Master (if applicable)
❏ Basic FullView Ops (View, Resize, Print, Dismiss)

Print to vMedia Operations
File to vMedia Operations
❏ Setup and Configuration, End-User Usage

Module 2: vMedia Viewing Module

❏ Basic Searching Functions (DB Search/Extended DB Search)
❏ Results Set Manipulations (Grouping, Sorting, Exporting, Edit Index Entry)
❏ Using Special Search Conditions (date range, pendings, query list)
❏ Advanced FullView Ops (Combine, Break, Export, Refile)
❏ Document Locking and Collection-Master Claim Images

Module 3: Barcode Operations

❏ Creation within the Collection-Master Merge  (if applicable)
❏ Scanning Using Barcodes

Module 4: Bulk Document Creation

❏ Add Reference (including multi-ref)
❏ Bulk Import and Export

Module 5: Administrative Setup and Control

❏ Workstation Setup/Installation
❏ Vertican License Manager ("VLM")
❏ Field and Drop-down List Configuration