Spectrum Importer Supported File Formats

07/22/2016 - Added a new page showing over four dozen file formats that the Spectrum Importer supports.

NOTE: The Spectrum Importer is only supported by vMedia version 2.0 or higher.

NOTE: This importer will not support non-image files such as doc, docx, wpd, xls, xlsx, txt, etc.

The Spectrum Importer supports over four dozen image file formats.

Format Description


Graphics Interchange Format


Standard Windows Bitmap Format


Microsoft Windows Cursor


Dr. Halo/Dr. Genius Clipboard Format


Microsoft DirectDraw Surface Format


Standard Windows Bitmap Format


Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine


Enhanced Metafile Format


Exchangeable Image Format


OpenEXR Format


G3 - Group 3 Raw Fax Format


Interlaced GIF - Graphics Interchange Format


High Dynamic Range Format


Interchange Format


(Single Page and Multi-page) - Icon Format


J2C - JPEG-2000 Codestream


JBIG2 - Joint Bi-level Image Experts Group


JFIF - JPEG File Interchange Format


JPEG Network Graphics


JPEG-2000 Format


JPG, JPE - Joint Photographic Expert Group




KOALA Format


Interchange File Format-Interleaved Bitmap


Multiple-image Network Graphics *


Portable Bitmap File


Portable Bitmap BINARY


Kodak Photo-CD file


PICT, PIC - Macintosh PICT Format


PC Paintbrush Format


Portable Document Format


Document Format for Long-term Preservation

    PDF Multi-page

Portable Document Format


Portable Float Map


Portable Graymap File


Portable Graymap BINARY


Adobe Photoshop File


Portable Network Graphics Format


Portable Any Map


Portable Pixmap File


Portable Pixmap BINARY


Sun Raster Format


camera image

    RAW memory bits

RAW bitmap


Standard Windows Bitmap format


Silicon Graphics Image Format


Scalable Vector Graphics Format


TARGA - TARGA Image Format


TIF - Tagged Image Format

    TIFF Multi-page

Multi-page Tagged Image Format


WAP, WBM - Wireless Bitmap


WebP Image Format


Standard Windows Metaformat


X-Bitmap Format


X Pixmap Format