vMedia Installation Prerequisites (basic
- Added information to the System Requirements page and to this
page: "A minimum of 175MB of RAM should be allocated to each
virtual machine."
- Added a blurb regarding backup and restoration to the SQL
deployment page and to this page.
here for SQL deployment information.
Backup and Restoration
It’s important that you have a backup
plan as well as a recovery plan. At some point your data will be at
risk. It could be a machine error, operator error, a virus or even
a natural disaster. People are not perfect and can easily overlook
an important step in a process, accidentally delete data, open a
malicious attachment or simply enter the wrong data.
It’s even more important to act on
those plans. Be sure to put your disaster recovery plan to the
test. Create a current backup and make sure you can actually
restore your data from it.
It’s critical that you can confirm that
data restoration from your backup works. Not taking the proper
precautions today could mean losing it all tomorrow.
vMedia Non-SQL System and Server Requirements:
1) Basic static software: 200mb of disk space.
2) Index databases (non-SQL) for Collection-Master start at 0mb and
grow to 2000mb max at a rate of no more than 200mb/year for a large
office >50 users.
3) Data access is via mapped drives only. The only server role that
is required is the file server role. No server components are
running on the server.
4) Since the indexes benefit from fast I/O, server should feature
performance over space.
vMedia Document and Image Storage Server Requirements (may be
combined with main system server or split up at any time):
A) Storage is linear on average figure 35,000 bytes per saved
page. A typical office consumes a gigabyte of storage per year
B) Data access is via mapped drives only. The only server role that
is required is the file server role. No server components are
running on the server.
C) Since the data consists of mainly read-only, relatively static
images, low-cost storage can be primary over performance.
Users' Workstations
a) No specific requirements beyond what is specified for a
typical modern Windows computer. vMedia supports all Versions of
Microsoft Windows (technically everything from 16-bit Windows 2000
up to and including 64-bit Windows 8).
b) Some features require minimum versions of third-party
applications: File to vMedia requires WordPerfect 8.0 or
greater. 2D barcoding in the Collection-Master merge requires
WordPerfect 9.0 or greater.
c) Scanning workstations have slightly higher minimums, typically
Windows 7 or 8.1 and 2 gig of RAM for most workgroup scanners
(fi-series 6xxxx).
d) Terminal Server, Virtual Machines, Citrix Desktops are all fully
supported as well. Scanning across a WAN into Terminal Server is
supported with the use of USB extender technology (a third-party
product). A minimum of 175MB of RAM should be allocated to each
virtual machine.
Related Topics
Brand New
vMedia Client Installation
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from Existing Image-Master 7.x Client Installation
System Requirements
vMedia SQL Database
Installing vMedia on
a Terminal Server