Component API Documentation vMedia Data Conversion Module
A command-line API can permit simplified export of
a vMedia serialized document into either a monolithic multi-page
TIF or PDF file.
NOTE: FJHINP1 used from
the command line is a pass-forward program only. No status is
returned to the caller concerning the results of the operation.
When used in this way, FJHINP1 terminates from memory as soon as
all of the required tasks have been completed, except in cases
where a critical error in inter-application communications has
occurred. You must either be in F:\IMASTER or directly refer to the
path\filename to create},{input path to vMedia document
(NPATH)},{filename prefix (5-character NFILE)},{filename suffix
(NFEXT)},{number of pages to export (NPAGES)}
{output TIF or PDF path\filename to create}
= the path and complete filename of the desired TIF or Adobe
Acrobat PDF file. Note: If the file does not exist it will be
created. If the file does exist, the pages from the documents will
be APPENDED to the pages already in the file!
{input path to vMedia document} = the path
to the source document (typically derived from the NPATH field)
{input filename prefix (5-character)} = the
filename prefix of the source document (typically derived from the
NFILE field)
{input filename suffix} = the file extension
of the source document (typically derived from the NFEXT field)
{the number of pages to export} = the number
of pages to export (typically derived from the NPAGES field)
NOTE: If the output TIF or
PDF file does not exist it will be created. If the file does exist,
the pages from the documents will be appended to the pages already
in the file! Therefore, FJHINP1, WRITEFILE can be executed multiple
times to build a composite output file composed of multiple
individual queries.
Element Information
The curley { } braces are not part of the
data; they are used here as documentation illustrators.
The exact format is FJHINP1 WRITEFILE , FQFN of
output file to write , nPath , nFile , nfExt , nPages
All six elements are required, otherwise a message
box with a parameter error will appear.
Each element should be separated by exactly one
WRITEFILE - string literal fixed value
FQFN - path and file name of file to write, including the
extension (must be either TIF or PDF). If the file exists it is
appended otherwise it is created.
nPath - path only portion of the serialized vMedia document
(including a trailing backslash)
nFile - 5-character file name prefix portion of the
serialized vMedia document.
nfExt - file extension portion of the serialized vMedia
nPages - numeric number of pages (sent as a string) in the
Related Topics
Introduction vMedia
Third-Party Integration