Integration: Third-party Integration for Scanning


Scanning Side Choices:

  1. You can do nothing, and rely on vMedia as a stand-alone scanning product to be completely responsible for the acquisition and filing of scanned documents.

  2. You can establish a DDE conversation with the main imaging system (IMASTER.EXE) after the user has authenticated, selected a database, and invoked the Scanning Module. You can then programmatically request that a document be scanned and you can provide some or all of the filing criteria. vMedia, upon receiving your request, will gain the window focus, raise the appropriate dialogs to initiate the scan, prompt the user for additional filing criteria, save and file the images, and return back to the idle mode.

  3. You can establish a DDE conversation with the RAW image acquisition shim (FSCANTWN.EXE for TWAIN scanners or FSASF32.EXE for Kofax scanners) and control the scanning and image filing process directly. This option may not apply to your project; however, it is mentioned so you have a complete picture of your options.

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Introduction vMedia Third-party Integration