File to vMedia Setup
Verify that Print to vMedia has been
installed and tested on the workstation.
Configure a Default vMedia Database.
Open vMedia and log in with a username that has
access rights to the Database Configuration Module.
Click on the [View] icon.
Highlight desired database in the Select vMedia
Database dialog box by clicking with the mouse (single click),
using the arrow keys on the
keyboard, or typing the first few letters of the desired database
Click on the [Set as Default] button or
press [Alt D].
NOTE: The default database
will be set only on workstations that are configured to use the
specified Machine ID.
Confirm you choice at the prompt.
Repeat this procedure for each unique Machine ID
that will be using File to vMedia.
Close the Select vMedia Database dialog box
and then close vMedia.
From F:\IMASTER\MODULES\File2vMedia, copy the
File2vMedia.frm and paste it into your F:\CLSINC\WORD folder.
From F:\IMASTER\MODULES\File2vMedia, copy
file2vmedia.wcm and ftvcmt.wcm and paste them into
F:\CLSINC\WORD\MACXX where XX equals the version or WordPerfect you
Modify the shared template (wpXXus.wpt) in your
CLSINC\WORD directory. Name it wpXXus.wpt where XX equals the
version of WordPerfect you use. For example, WordPerfect X4 users
would rename it wp14us.wpt.
Open the modified wpXXus.wpt file.
To remove the [File to ImageMaster] button
from the toolbar, press and hold the [Alt] key while you
click on and drag the [File to ImageMaster] macro button off
of the toolbar.
To add the new [File to vMedia] macro button
to the toolbar, right-click on the toolbar and select the
Edit option.
On the Toolbar Editor, open the Macro tab
and click on [Add Macro].
Browse to F:\CLSINC\WORD\MACXX , where XX
equals your version of WordPerfect and select File2vMedia.wcm.
Click on [No] at the prompt for saving it
with the full path.
Click [OK] on the Toolbar Editor.
Close the WordPerfect window and choose [No]
at the prompt for saving.
Merge a document.
Click on the [File to vMedia] button to file
the merged document to vMedia.
Related Topics
File to vMedia