vMedia Document Migration Facility (IMDMF7.EXE)
The improper use of this
document migration tool can possibly damage or destroy your one or
more vMedia databases!
Be sure to Contact Vertican Support before
you attempt to run IMDMF7.EXE.
IMDMF7 is configured by editing the main IMASTER.INI file in
Notepad or any other suitable text editor.
When configuring the software, use care not to alter any of the
other sections of the file that are utilized by the main vMedia
- Open the IMASTER.INI file located in the same directory as the
main vMedia system.
- Scroll to the bottom of the file and add the following lines:
{} indicate a value that is selected from the site
SourceDBF= {Full path\filespec to source "SC" database
DestinationDBF= {Full path\filespec to destination "SC" database
OverrideSource= {1 or 0}
Override|Don't Override image drive letter.
Default override drive letter.
Function= {1 or
Import|Export (default operation to perform)
UpdateDBF= {1 or
Update|Don't Update Source DBF with migration flag.
EraseDir={1 or
Erase|Don't Erase Contents of Transfer Directory.
UsePackager={1 or
Use|Don’t Use Packager
**Next three options are only applicable when Packager is used
TransPath={Full path to the location where the packager ZIP file
will be created}
FNameCreation{1 or
2} 1=Use DBF
Name for Packager ZIP file name
2=Use system date-time for Packager ZIP file name
PostCommand={Path/file name to execute
via ShellExec after Packager operation has completed}
MatchOption={1,2, or 3}
Selects radio button to include only documents meeting specific
search criteria.
MatchExp= (MatchOption=1) Not
(MatchOption=2) Fixed expression to use to match
documents to be included.
(MatchOption=3) Full path\filespec to text file
containing 1..n match expressions, one per line.
NOTE: The operator of IMDMF7 has the
ability to override any of these settings temporarily for special
Details of Configuration Items
SourceDBF and DestinationDBF
For sites that will be SENDING (exporting) documents, the
SourceDBF should be the full path and filename for the vMedia "SC"
database located in the main vMedia system. The DestinationDBF
should be the full path and filename of a well-chosen database
filename located in the transfer folder created in installation
Step #2. The actual DestinationDBF file will not exist prior to
exporting and will be created by IMDMF7 during each export
For sites that will be RECEIVING (importing) documents, the
SourceDBF should be the full path and filename of the database
filename chosen by the sender located in the transfer folder
created in installation Step #2. The DestinationDBF should be the
full path and filename for the vMedia "SC" database located in the
main vMedia system.
NOTE: The function of SourceDBF and
DestinationDBF are reversed for senders and receivers. Keep this in
mind when configuring remote sites.
- Example for a typical SENDER (vMedia installed in F:\vMedia):
SourceDBF= F:\vMedia\CLS000SC.DBF DestinationDBF=
- Example for a typical RECEIVER (vMedia installed in F:\vMedia):
SourceDBF= F:\vMedia\TRANSFR\CLSXFR.DBF DestinationDBF=
OverrideSource and OverrideDrive
For sites that will be SENDING (exporting) documents, the
OverrideSource and OverrideDrive options control whether the
documents referenced in the export database are located on a
different drive from the drive specified in the database. This
option is used if documents are moved to a staging area PRIOR to
running IMDMF7. This is a non-standard operation and most senders
will set OverrideSource to 0.
For sites that will be RECEIVING (importing) documents, the
OverrideSource and OverrideDrive options control whether the
documents will be placed on a drive which is different from the one
in which they were originally scanned and filed. It is recommended
that receivers set these options to match the local vMedia
configuration even if it is known that the sender and receiver are
using identical configurations.
- Example for a typical RECEIVER (Documents [images] being
created on the S: drive):
- OverrideSource= 1
- OverrideDrive= S
Indicates whether IMDMF7 will be sending or receiving
Sending: Function= 2
Receiving: Function= 1
This is for senders only. It indicates whether the document
entries in the Source Database should be flagged as exported and
thus excluded from subsequent transfers. It is recommended that the
default setting should be NOT to flag the Source Database. During
the initial rollout, and for the time until it is certain that the
senders and receivers can reliably transfer documents, the sender
should create the transfer set, verify that the transfer set is
valid and readable, then rerun the transfer a second time to
indicate that the documents were indeed transferred correctly.
Eventually this option can be changed and the second rerun step
Sending (initial rollout):
Indicates whether IMDMF7 should erase the contents of the
transfer directory prior to the Export Function.
Sending: EraseDir= 1 to erase prior to
Receiving: EraseDir= 1 to erase prior to import
(before Packager is called)
WARNING!! Use caution when enabling the
EraseDir option. The "Transfer Directory" is a location derived
from the file path portion of the Source Database (Receiving) or
Destination Database (Sending) database selection value. Setting
the Source or Destination Database locations improperly and
enabling this option may result in damage or erasure of the vMedia
During initial configuration testing it is
strongly recommended that the EraseDir option be left disabled
(EraseDir=0) and that the transfer directory is erased manually by
the operator. Once proper operation of IMDMF7 has been established
this option can be enabled.
Next: IMDMF Packager
Related Topics
vMedia Introduction
IMDMF7.EXE Overview