Migration Facility for vMedia IMDMF7 Packager Options


The improper use of this document migration tool can possibly damage or destroy your one or more vMedia databases!

Be sure to Contact Vertican Support before you attempt to run IMDMF7.EXE.

IMDMF7 Packager Options

The IMDMF7 Packager gathers the entire export set (database, images) into a single ZIP file. This feature simplifies the task of uploading small to medium-sized (less than 2 gigabytes) export sets from the source to the destination site. At the destination site, the packager handles the task of separating the database and the images prior to adding them to the destination database.


Indicates whether IMDMF7 should utilize the packager when performing export and import functions.

  • Sending:

    UsePackager=1 to create a single ZIP file from the documents being exported. When sending, the TransPath and FnameCreation options are used to determine the location and name of the ZIP file being created.

  • Receiving:

    UsePackager=1 to specify a single ZIP file from which the documents will be imported.

    When receiving, the TransPath can be set to either the full path and file name of the ZIP file to import, or the path to the directory where a library of available ZIP files may be stored. When only a path is specified, you will be prompted for the desired ZIP file once the import function starts. When receiving, the FnameCreation option is not used.


*Only applicable when the Packager is used (UsePackager=1)*

  • Sending:

    Path to the folder where the packager ZIP file will be created.

  • Receiving:

    Path and file name of the ZIP file to import, or the path to the directory where a library of available ZIP files may be stored. When only a path is specified, you will be prompted for the desired ZIP file once the import function starts.


*Only applicable when the Packager is used (UsePackager=1)*

  • Sending:

    FnameCreation=1  Use DBF Name as the name of the ZIP file created.

    FnameCreation=2  Use the system time and date as the name of the ZIP file created.

  • Receiving: not used


*Only applicable when the Packager is used (UsePackager=1)*

  • Sending:

    Path/file name to execute via ShellExec after Packager operation has completed.

  • Receiving: not used

MatchOption and MatchExp

For sites that will be SENDING (exporting) documents, the MatchOption and MatchExp options control which documents qualify to be exported. MatchOption selects the filter logic to be used and MatchExp provides the conditions or file name to be used.

MatchOption=1  Documents will be selected based on internal field "STATUS" being blank. No other logic is used to determine whether a document should be exported.

MatchOption=2  Documents will be selected based on the user-defined expression specified in MatchExp. For each vMedia document, if the expression evaluates to a logical TRUE, then the document will be exported, otherwise the document will not be exported.

MatchOption=3  Documents will be selected based on the matching index field values contained in an external delimited text file. MatchExp should be set to the fully-qualified path and file name of the text file to be parsed.

Any fields in the vMedia database that contain valid data can be used.

The text file must be formatted as follows:

* Row 1, contains information about what field and condition will be used to match documents.

* Supported, TAG tag name - index tag to use for the SEEK match.

* Row 2..n, data records containing values to match.

As an example, if you were to use a text file that contained matching file numbers, it would be used in the following format:






Next: vMedia Document Migration Facility (Using the Software)

Related Topics

vMedia Introduction

IMDMF7.EXE Overview