PART 3: SQL Server Usage Instructions


  • The Viewing Module has been completely enhanced with SQL access. All functions in the Viewing Module will now use the SQL copy of the data for searching, reporting, viewing, printing, and exporting.
  • The Edit Index Entry function updates both the SQL Server and the DBF tables with changes.
  • The Bulk Delete function deletes the documents from both the SQL server and the DBF tables, as well as erasing the images.
  • The Scanning Module has been completely enhanced with SQL access. All functions in the Scanning Module will now use the SQL copy of the data for conflict resolution, searching, and viewing. Documents scanned or referenced will be added to both the SQL database and the DBF tables.


Run vMedia from a SQL enabled workstation, login, and choose a SQL enabled database.

NOTE: Non-SQL enabled workstations will continue to use only the DBF tables in the Viewing Module. Therefore, if the Edit Index Entry function or Bulk Delete function is used, the SQL server will not be updated. However, IM2SQL can be re-run to upload a new current copy of the DBF tables to the SQL server.

Within Collection-Master, the Claim Information/Claim Images feature will also utilize SQL access if configured on the workstation where it is run because it is based on the vMedia Viewing Module.

Operational Notes and Functional Deficiency Tracking

  • For databases that are integrated with Collection-Master, be sure that the native [4-2-6] importer in Collection-Master is disabled and the new Export2CM Integration module is configured and used instead.
  • User gets Error 9 in 161 of SaveChanges when performing an Edit Index Entry operation.

Cause: Issue is that the database structure was changed after the initial IM2SQL upload was done. Structural changes from vMedia do not automatically propagate to SQL Server.

Workaround: Rerun IM2SQL and replace the database on SQL Server. This will re-establish the identical index field structure between the SQL Server table, the settings in the CF table, and any legacy DBF table that is in use.

Solution: The Configuration Module has SQL support. The current workaround is approved as a semi-permanent operational procedure to alleviate this issue.

Related Topic

vM-SQL Database Notes