Print to vMedia Uninstall during Workstation_Setup

If the program does not reboot automatically when running Workstation_Setup (WSS) it may be due to an older Print to vMedia driver that is populating the RunOnce registry key. To resume WSS after a reboot automatically, there are two available features. Using either feature should prevent the problem of not automatically rebooting during the install routine.

Feature A Overview

This feature uninstalls the current vMedia Printer and Printer Driver from the computer and then reboots the computer. After the un-installation and reboot has been completed, Workstation_Setup (WSS) will need to be run in order to re-install the full vMedia client.


  1. Uninstalls the vMedia printer and driver regardless of the version.
  2. May aid in recovering partially corrupted installations.
  3. Precise control over the reboot process. Self-contained module. Neither mapped drives, access to vMedia, nor network connectivity is required.
  4. Can be easily run silently with little chance of an error dialog being displayed.


Elevated rights are required, which may cause ShellExec network connectivity errors at Vertican. To work around this issue, the uninstaller module can be copied from the network to the local drive prior to execution. Copy from "F:\IMASTER\MODULES\vmptv\Uninstall_PTVPrinter.exe" to the local folder of your choice.

From the appropriate local folder, run Uninstall_PTVPrinter.exe as outlined below:

  • For UI Mode with a confirmation start dialog, run from explorer or cmd without parameters.
  • For unattended mode in forced reboot: Uninstall_PTVPrinter /VERYSILENT
  • For unattended mode with reboot suppressed: Uninstall_PTVPrinter /VERYSILENT /NORESTART

If the reboot is suppressed, the administrator must manually or via script, reboot the computer before re-installation or upgrade of vMedia. After the uninstallation and reboot has been successfully completed, Workstation_Setup must be run to complete the vMedia re-installation or upgrade on the computer.

Feature B Overview

This feature utilizes a new behavior switch in Workstation_Setup (WSS) to suppress the automatic resume feature if the installer determines that the printer driver needs to be upgraded. If WSS determines that the printer needs to be upgraded and the behavior switch has been specified, then after the un-installation and reboot has been completed, WSS will need to be run to re-install the full vMedia client.


  1. Enhancement to the existing WSS installer, no other modules need to be copied, run, nor maintained.
  2. Existing vMedia printer driver is only uninstalled if required, maximizing the performance of re-installations and upgrades of the vMedia client.


Elevated rights are required, which may cause ShellExec network connectivity errors at Vertican. To work around this issue, WSS must be run from an already elevated and mapped command (CMD) window. Can also use UNC path to the installer instead on re-installs.

From the appropriate vMedia network folder, run Workstation_Setup /CUSTOM=NoResume.

  • If WSS determines the existing printer driver is current, then the vMedia client installation will complete in the current session with no further administrator action required.
  • If WSS determines the existing printer driver must be uninstalled, the uninstallation will take place and the computer will be rebooted (if not cancelled). At this point the administrator must re-login to the computer and manually re-run Workstation_Setup (with or without the /CUSTOM=NoResume switch) to complete the vMedia re-installation or upgrade on the computer.