Configuration: Selected Field Options

Selected Field Options

Click the [Selected Field Options] button to open the Index Field Options dialog box.

The following options are available:

  • Fast Find Feature – This feature is used to decrease the amount of time it takes to search a database. It can be used in both the Viewing Module and Scanning Module. See "About Chevrons" in the Viewing Module overview.

    • The field will be marked with one of the following:

Off – Disables the Fast Find Feature.

On – Activates the Fast Find Feature for the field in the Viewing Module only.

On and searchable in Scan-Module – Activates the Fast Find Feature for both the Viewing Module and Scanning Module.

  • Field is part of the Volume Filing Option – Takes the value from the index field and puts it into the image path. The path for the images in this database will include the value in this field. For example, if a date field for categorizing by month is used, documents will automatically be filed by their corresponding month.

  • Hide field in the Search Results Grid – Eliminates the selected field from the Search Results window during a search. This reduces the number of fields displayed in the Search Results window.

NOTE: Of the next four options, only one may be selected per field. When one is selected, the other three become unavailable.

  • Carry field value from previous scan set – The default field value after a scan set is saved will remain the same as the previously saved set until it is changed by the scanning operator. Each time the Scanning Module is entered, a new carry value is established for each field that has this option selected.

  • Auto Incrementing – When selected, the Auto Increment Control dialog box appears.

The area of the dialog box that becomes available for use corresponds to the field type. The example shown relates to a numeric field. This feature automatically increments the value in the field from one scan set to another according to the setting in the Increment Step text box. For example, if a chronological numeric field is used, the increment might be a one-number increase to the next scan set. An expression also can be used to calculate the increment amount. To disable Auto Incrementing, click the [None] radio button.

  • Barcode Recognition – When selected, an Indexed Barcode Control dialog box appears.

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