Scanning Documents Introduction


Paper documents to be converted into electronic files must be scanned through vMedia. This Scanning section introduces the basic concepts of scanning and indexing documents.

The image database file is designated and configured before scanning begins. For more information on setting up a new database file, refer to Creating a New Image Database.

Scanning Documents topics include:

Accessing the Scanning Module

Basic Document Scanning

Modifying Unsaved Scan Sets

Searching a Database in the Scanning Module

Modification of a Saved Scan Set

Modification of a Saved Scan Set when an Unsaved Scan Set Exists

Inserting Pages into an Existing Scan Set

Replacing Pages in an Existing Scan Set

Erasing Pages from an Existing Scan Set

Saving an Unfiled Scan Set with a Filed Scan Set

Adjusting Scanner Settings

Initial Configuration for Multiple Firm IDs for Scanning

Scanners Supported by vMedia

Creating the External Add Reference File

Document Length Error (1000 Maximum)

Document Batch Tracking