vMedia Viewing Module Search Results Window

02/14/2018 - Added keyboard shortcuts to the Viewing Module icon descriptions.

01/17/2018 - Updated screenshot to show new Viewing Module icons.

04/13/2017 - Enhanced the instructions on column sorting, re-ordering, and width adjustment on the Search / Filter Grid Results page and on this page.

How to Filter Grid Results (expanded details)

Search Multiple Scan Sets Using External Query File


NOTE: Searches in non-SQL backend databases are case sensitive; however, searches in SQL backend databases are not case sensitive.

The results of a simple database search or an extended database search appear within the The Search Results window. It opens to show the scan set or sets that were found. A Search Result Action window appears below the list of results. The Tag Command buttons on the Search Result Action screen also have keyboard shortcuts.

The Database Search function looks within the non-blank fields for an exact match of the data, starting with the left-most character and concluding with the last character entered as part of the search. This is done independently on a field-by-field basis. The search is limited to only those fields which are not blank. The Extended Database Search function works similarly to the standard database search, except that the data entered in a field can match the index field anywhere within the field to be considered valid.

For example, if a record in the database contains 123 Main Street in the address field, an Extended Database Search will match this record on the search conditions for an address of "Main" or "Street" as well as "123 Main." Because of the additional processing involved, the Extended Database Search takes longer to perform than a standard Database Search.

vMedia searches for the scan set that matches the index field values that were entered based on the the type you choose.

<V> [View] - Views the selected scan set or all tagged sets.

<P> [Print] - Prints the selected scan set or all tagged sets.

NOTE: The Tag command buttons are used to select multiple scan sets for viewing or printing. When a scan set is "tagged," a small bar is displayed to the left of the scan set in the Search Results window.

<T> [Tag] - Adds the selected scan set to the group of tagged sets. A small marker will be placed next to the selected scan set (See next graphic).

<CTRL> <T> [Tag All] - Place a tag marker on all displayed scan sets.

<F> [Filters] - Can filter, sort, add, or delete grid templates.

<S> [Sort] - Can be sorted by any combination of index fields. In addition, the initial sort order can be defined in the configuration for each database.

<U> [Untag] - Removes the tag marker from the selected scan set.

<CTRL> <U>  [Untag All] - Removes the tag markers from all marked scan sets.

<D> [Delete] - Deletes the selected tag set. The corresponding pages are deleted from the hard drive immediately; however, the actual database records cannot be purged while multiple people are using the software.

<E> [Edit Index Entry] - Changes the index field values (the filing information) of the selected scan set.

<ESC> [Close] - Returns to the Data Entry window to perform another search or exits from the Viewing Module.

<X> [Export] - Provides access to the list of Class 1 Exporters.

Keyboard Sequences for the Viewing Module

When the Viewing Module is started, the Data Entry window will have a blue title bar and the cursor will be in the first index field.

  1. Fill in the required index fields. It is a good idea to specify only the minimum amount of information required to locate the desired document. You can use the [Enter], [Tab], or [Down Arrow] keys to move to subsequent fields within the data entry window. To move to a previous field, use [Shift] + [Tab] or the [Up Arrow] keys.
  2. Press [D] to invoke a standard alphabetic search on the non-blank fields OR [Alt] + [E] to invoke an extended inclusive search.
  3. If only one matching document is found, the software will automatically invoke the viewing window and display the first page of the document set. The control focus will switch to the viewer and the keyboard will control the viewing software. Use [Alt] + [Tab] to switch back to the Viewing Module.

NOTE: Do not close the viewer. When the next document set is retrieved, the images will be displayed immediately.

  1. If more than one document set matches the search criteria, the Search Results list will display qualifying document sets. Use the [Up Arrow] and [Down Arrow] keys to move the selection bar to the desired document set and press the [Enter] key to view that particular document. Use [Alt] + [Tab] to switch back to the Viewing Module. The cursor will be positioned in the same location in the Search Results list and you can repeat this step to view other qualifying documents.

Sort Order

The Search Results list can be sorted by any combination of index fields. In addition, the initial sort order can be defined in the configuration for each database. The [Default Sort Order] for documents displayed in the Search Results list can be set in the configuration module.

 If no Default Sort Order is configured, then the documents will be displayed in the order they were saved in vMedia, starting with the oldest entry. This behavior maintains compatibility with previous versions of vMedia. The Search Results list sort order can also be changed in the Viewing Module for the current session.

How To Set the Sort Order:

  1. Start vMedia, select the desired database, and select [Viewing Module].

  2. Construct a search by specifying one or more conditions and/or fill-in the desired data entry fields.

  3. Select [Database Search] or [Extended Database Search] to query the database.

  4. Once the Search Results list appears, select [Sort].

  • Fields which are participating in the sort order are listed in the Sort Results on: section in the order of key importance.

  • Fields may be removed from the sort order with the mouse by clicking on the desired field and then clicking on [Remove] or by simply double clicking on the desired field.

  • The key importance may be changed with the mouse by clicking and dragging the gray square to the left of the field name to the appropriate position in the list.

  • Fields which are not participating in the sort order are listed in the Available Fields: section.

  • Fields may be added to the sort order with the mouse by clicking on the desired field and then clicking on [Add] or by simply double clicking on the desired field.

  • The new sort order takes effect when [OK] is selected. Pressing [Cancel] will discard any changes made to the sort order and the Search Results list order will revert to the last order that was in use.

  • Key Importance - The sort order is defined starting with the field listed as Primary and then moves to the fields listed as Sub #1, Sub #2 and so forth for all documents matching a parent set of keys. Any documents matching all the specified keys will be displayed in the order that they were entered in the database. If no fields are listed in the Sort Results on: section, then the sort order will be exclusively the order the documents were entered into the database.

  • Column-based Sorting - Simple sorting can now be accomplished by clicking on the column header.

NOTEOTE: Both the existing sort functionality and the new sort functionality operate on the base search results. However, sorting by grid column headings, and using the [Sort] button are mutually exclusive. Whichever method is used last, takes precedence.

  1. Right-click on a specific column header to open the Search and Filter Control for the selected column.
  2. The Search and Filter Control shows the available headers related to your original search.

Uncheck any header that you want to eliminate from the results grid.

NOTE: A column that is removed from the search results in this manner remains hidden for subsequent searches until restored, or when the Viewing Module is exited. Once the Viewing Module is exited, all column visibilities are reset to the configuration established for the database.

Place a checkmark next to a header for any column that should appear in the search results grid.

NOTE: Changes made to the column positions and column widths will be automatically saved under the logged in user's profile and will be restored and used in future searches by the user.

  • Resize Column Width
    • Resize column width by clicking on the dividing line that separates each column and dragging the line to the left or to the right.

NOTE: If you click [More...] (see previous graphic), an interface appears that allows you to edit the column positions or you can edit the selected column width.

  • Reposition and Resize Column Width
    • Highlight the desired column and click the [Up] or [Down] buttons to move the position of the column.
    • The column at the top of the list will appear on the far left of the grid and the the column at the bottom of the list will appear at the far right of the grid. In essence, the order of the list coincides with the column order.
    • Resize column width by selecting the desired column and then entering the [Width of selected column (in pixels):].
      Click [Close] to save and exit.

  • Reposition Columns with Your Mouse - Repositioning columns is accomplished by dragging the column header to the right or left.

Related Topic

Viewing Module Introduction

Search and Filtering of vMedia Results Grid